JCS Holllllllllllly Week!

April 22, 2011

(matzah rolls – is your communion ‘bread’ this delicious?)

Here we are, the week where religions collide.

We’ve had a couple of JCS lessons to cover our Spring holidays.

Our Easter lesson covered Palm Sunday (the day that Jesus rode into Jerusalem), Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter.  We went to church on Palm Sunday and the older kids got to parade in (after 2 live donkeys and people dressed up as Jesus and his disciples) waiving their palms.  We talked about how Holy Thursday (the celebration of the Last Supper) was actually a Passover Seder – that Jesus and his disciples were eating a seder meal and that this is where we get our sacrament of communion.  These are the easy days to explain.

(J-man’s coloring page from Palm Sunday School)

Good Friday and Easter are a little tougher for the 6 and 8 year old crowds to ‘get’.  We did the best we could to explain that people who didn’t like Jesus killed him (we didn’t go into the gory Passion of the Christ detail) and that when Mary returned to the tomb on Sunday, Jesus’ body wasn’t there.  There was some discussion about whether or not EVERYONE ‘comes back to life’ or if it just means that Jesus is alive in our hearts. (good questions)

Passover was this week.  We did a kid’s seder on Monday using a kid’s haggadah called My Very Own Haggadah which is a coloring book and right on their level.  Of course, the best part of the night was searching for the Afikomen (a piece of matzah that is hidden during the meal creating a hide and seek game for which there is a prize given to the ‘finder’).

Some before clean-up and after clean-up shots

Oh….. and (the most important fact of the week) – Desserts:  macaroons and chocolate flourless torte with orange curd, chocolate ganache and homemade whipped cream.


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